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Cheia dragostei[inspirat din Gravitation]

In acest cap am pus versurile pieselor,deoarece asa am simtit.Probabil ca nu va va placea,deoarece sunt prea multe,dar v-as ruga sa cititi restul ficului,chiar daca am ignorat putin descrierea.In urmat doua cap situatia va fi cam aceasi,cu mici intamplari,apoi vor urma certuri si la un moment dat va voi prezenta si viata celorlati memmbrii.Asa ca va rog sa nu va legati de aspectul cu vers pt ca asa am simtit eu.Sper sa continuatis a cititi ficul.Din motive de timp,nu pot pune piesele,dar v-as ruga,daca aveti timp,sa le cautati sis a imi puneti cum vis e par.

Zoey se trezi putin confuza,privind in camera intunecata.Ii trebuira cateva secunde pentru asi reveni,iar apoi privi ceasul.Era ora 18:00.Se ridica,indreptandu-se ametita spre baie.Pe drum,calca pe ceva moale,care,fosni.Se apleca,observand ca era un biletel.
Isi miji ochii,incercand sa citeasca pe intuneric.Cu greu reusi sa desluseasca literele marunte:

Eiri a hotarat sa facem cateva repetitii in seara asta.A stabilit sa ne intalnim la ora 19:00.Vino in hol.

Ofta obosita si se indrepta spre baie,lasand biletelul pe masuta.Isi arunca hainele pe jos,intrand in cada uriasa.Inspira parfumul de trandafiri,sufland usor in spuma alba.
Intr-un final se ridica,fugind desculta prin camera.Se imbraca cu o pereche de pantaloni scurti,negrii,cu un tricou de aceasi culoare,ciu doi ursuleti maro pe piept si se incalta cu niste sandale cu toc,negre.Ca accesorii purta cateva bratari si in urechi isi puse toarte.Parul si-l prinse intr-o coada,lunga,lasand doua suvite sa ii alunece pe fata.
Se privi in oglinda,multumita de cum arata.Ii placea ca pantalonii scurti si stransi pe corp,ii puneau in evidenta picioarele lungi si albe.
Isi lua o gentuta neagra cu flori mov si isi puse inauntru celularul si alte lucruri.Iesi din apartament,trecand de data asta,nepasatoare,pe langa garzi.
Cobori cu liftul pana la parter,rezemandu-se indiferenta de “peretele” liftului.O luminita o anunta ca a ajuns,asa ca iesi rapid.In hol o asteptau Eiri,impreuna cu Hiro si Akira.Karina tocmai venea,impreuna cu Ken,parand ca se intorc de la un tur.Se indrepta spre ei,salutandu-i.Eiri o lua inainte,conducandu-i spre o sala uriasa,unde se puteau face repetitii.
Hiro si Zoey se dusera langa microfoane,in timp ce restul trupei isi ocupa locurile.Dupa cateva vocalize si note cantate la instrumente,Eiri spuse:
-Vad ca sunteti pregatiti.Maine vom merge sa vedem cum va asezati pe scena si sa repetati in unele cazuri,dansurile,dar pentru un moment,vom vedea care va fi ordinea in care veti canta piesele.As zice ca Zoey sa-si faca prima aparitia,cantand piesa:” All or nothing”.Cum stai cu ea?
-Perfect.spuse rozalia zambind.
Restul trupei incepu sa cante,Hiro acompaniandu-i cum putea,in timp ce Zoey crea o atmosfera placuta,cantand versurile:
“ It's the chance of life, get ready, set, fly high.
Above the fear of your mind, go for it.
It's hit or miss, too late for you to quit.
You gotta show 'em how bad you really want this, so...

Live your dreams, it's not as hard as it may seem.
You gotta work to get the cream, on your hopes you must lean,
From your fears you have to wean yourself.
It's all or nothing, give you're everything......”
Eiri zambi multumit si continua:
-Voi veti sta undeva mai in semiintuneric,pentru ca va fi fum,lucru ce o va pune numai pe ea in evidenta.La inceputul urmatoarei piese,va veti duce mai in mijloc si veti fi pusi in lumina reflectoarelor.Pe scena isi va face aparitia si Hiro,care va canta la chitara,acompaniand-o pe Zoey,in timp ce cantati: “ Raise your voice”.
Cei doi incepura sa cante piesa,bucurandu-se de versurile minunate ce rasunau in intreaga camera:
“Oh, I found myself today
Oh, I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason , I forgot i had
All I know is you´re not here to say
What you always used to say
But it´s written in the sky tonight

So I won´t give up no I won´t break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I´m stading in the dark , I´ll still believe
Someone´s watching over me……………”
-Dupa aceea cantati “ So much for my happy ending”.Vor fi cateva lumini portocalii,care vor crea atmosfera.Apropo,piesele compuse in masina,le repetam maine.Astazi,doar pe cele mai vechi.Va urma “ Complicated”,apoi “ Fall to pices”,urmata de “Get over it”.Pe parcursul acestora vor fi cateva jocuri de lumini.Apoi,pe scena va aparea un pian,la care va canta Karina,iar voi veti interpreta piesa: „ You are the music in me”.N-ati mai repetat-o de mult asa,ca ar cam fi cazul sa o faceti.
Hiro se apropie de rozalie,incepand sa cante cu aceasta:
„Na na na na
Na na na na yeah
You are the music in me
You know the words: "Once Upon A Time"
Make you listen?
There's a reason.
When you dream there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter or happy ever after
Yeah harmony to the melody
It's echoing inside my head
A single voice (Single voice)
Above the noise
And like a common thread
Hmm, you're pulling me

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong
Oh, you are the music in me
Yeah it's living in all of us
And it's brought us here because
Because you are the music in me
Na na na na (Ohh)
Na na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah
(Na na na na)
You are the music in me........”
. Baiatul avea in ochi o sclipire ciudata,ceea ce ii dadea un aer protectiv.Ii zambi fetei, sentimentele lui pentru ea,observandu-se cu ochiul liber.La final,ii puse mana pe fata,apropiind-o de el.Lucrul acesta il enerva intr-o oarecare masura,pe Eiri.Isi drese vocea,satenul indepartandu-se de fata,continuand:
-Dupa asta urmeaza piesa „ Not like that”.Pe asta Zoey o interpreteaza singura,dansand alaturi de balet.Apoi,va fi un moment mai placut,deoarece,tot singura,va canta piesa „ La,La,Land”,care va raspunde cel mai bine la toate intrebarile fanilor despre sentimentele ei.Ar fi cazul sa incepi sa le repeti.spuse acesa privind-o pe fata.
Zoey incuviinta,Hiro retragandu-se intr-un colt.Fata incepu sa cante,trupa admirand-o:
„I feel oh so glamorous, looking super fabulous
Sometimes I'm insecure, something I can't ignore
All the flashing cameras, try my best to handle it
I'm just the girl next door, I can hear the rumors take all...

All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
I can tell by the look that they want to be
Be hot, hot, hot like that
But it's not, not, no it's not like that
All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
They put me down 'cause of jealousy
But I'm not, not, not that girl
And it's not, not, no it's not my world........”
Avea o voce placuta,iar modul in care canta o apropia de fani.Punea sentimente in tot ce facea si de aceea toate piesele ei o reprezentau.Astea doua vorbeau despre celebritate.
A doua piesa incepu,insufletiind intreaga sala si facand-o pe fata sa cante si cu mai mult drag:
„I am confident, but
I still have my moments.
Baby, that's just me.
I'm not a supermodel
I still eat McDonald's.
Baby, that's just me.
Some may say I need to be afraid
Of losing everything.
Because of where I
Had my start and where I made my name
Well everything's the same
In the la-la land machine. Machine…….”
-Va urma piesa „Close to you”,pe care o veti interpreta amandoi.Luminile se vor stinge,poate doar un reflector va fi pus pe voi.Se va crea o atmosfera misterioasa.Apoi vine piesa „In the end”,cantata numai de Zoey,in timp ce danseaza alaturi de balet.Vei mai canta si „Skaterboy”,”Girlfriend”si ”You’ll always find the way back home”.
Hiro si Zoey incuviintara si cu un mic oftat interpretara prima piesa:
„ I can't sleep at night
Staring at the phone
Knowing you are not alone
She is right there by your side
I'm trying just to hide
All the things I feel inside
I can sense the chemistry
When you are standing close to me
I feel like a ship that's lost at sea
It's getting harder to ignore
It's not like anything before
I know it's crazy baby but I want more

I wish I could be close to you
And feel your every move
Never meant to feel this way
Maybe you would come around one day......”
Unele cantece erau destul de triste,pentru ca adolescentelor cu diferite „catastrofe” in viata, le placeau sa le asculte in timp ce plang.Altele erau vesele,energice,iarasi,tipic adolescentilor,cand sunt indragostiti sau cand se simt bine.Era o combinatie buna.
Rozalia incepu sa interpreteze piesa „ In the end”,care ii placea destul de tare.Il compusese intr-o zi impreuna cu Karina:
„I'm the textbook definition of a rebel
I see the cram over left and I gotta go right
I'm always in some trouble
To me life ain't fun unless you're in a good fight
So the more you're good to me
The more I try to get you to leave

All my life I've made excuses
Pushing you away, saying that you're not for me
All my life I've ran from Cupid
I tried everything
In the end it was you
In the end, in the end it was you ....”
Ceea ce i se parea cel mai grozav,era faptul ca majoritatea cantecelor erau compuse impreuna cu restul trupei si erau inspirate de vietile lor..Incepu sa danseze mai ales pe cantecul „You’ll always find the way back home”:
„You wake up, it's raining and it's monday
Looks like one of those rough days
Time's up, you're late again, so get out the door
Sometimes you feel like running
Find a whole new life and jumpin
Let go, get up and hit the dance floor
But when the lights go down it's the ending of the show
And you're feeling like you got nowhere to go - oh oh
Don't you know?

You can change your hair and you can change your clothes
You can change your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back home
You can change your style, yeah your can change your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home......”
Acesta era un alt cantec care vorbea despre viata de vedeta,defapt,despre viata ei.Multi se intrebasera de ce canta.Pentru bani,pentru faima sau pentru a pierde timpul.Ea canta deoarece ii placea acest lucru.Ii placea sa faca parte dintr-un grup,sa lucreze impreuna,sa comunice cu oamenii,sa transmita mesaje incurajatoare si frumoase prin cantece.In general,se exprima prin cantece.
Eiri aplauda incantat si spuse:
-Va urma „I will be” cantata de amandoi,plus „Please don’t leave me”.Ar fi cazul sa o repetati pe a doua,caci pe prima o stiti prea bine,chiar.
Hiro aproba,cantand cu rozalia:
„Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da da-da da
I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
Da da da da-da
I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is....broken

Da da da-da da
Please don't leave me
Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me.........”
Baiatul o privi cu drag pe rozalie,gandindu-se cum de rezista aceasta si cum va fi peste doua zile cand vor canta piesele fara oprire.Era prima lor experienta de acest gen si il uimea faptul ca fetei nu ii este frica.Cel putin nu dadea semne ca i-ar fi.
-Apoi,tot impreuna veti canta „Buttons”,iar Zoey va continua intr-un joc de lumini „Hush,hush” si acompaniata de pian „I hate this part like this”.Mai poti sa le repeti sau le lasam pe maine?intreba blondul privind-o ingrijorat.
Avea si de ce,deoarece Zoey arata destul de obosita.Era putin palida si cateva picaturi de transpiratie ii alunecara pe fata.Fata le sterse,spunand hotarata:
-Ma descurc.
Incepu sa cante prima piesa,multumita ca reusise sa isi stranga puterea si energia suficenta pentru a termina toate cantecele:
„ Hiro
What it do babyboo
Yeah, little mama you lookin' good
I see you wanna play with a player from the hood
Come holla at me, you got it like that
Big Snoop Dogg with the lead Pussycat
I show you how it go down
Yeah, I wanna go down
Me and you, one on one
Treat you like a shorty
You look at me and I look at you
I'm reachin' for your shirt
What you want me to do
I'm telling you to loosen up my buttons babe (uh huh)
But you keep frontin' (uh)
Sayin' what you gon' do to me (uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothin' (ah)
I'm telling you to loosen up my buttons babe (uh huh)
But you keep frontin' (uh)
Sayin' what you gon' do to me (uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothin' (ah)....”
Continua cu a doua piesa,care era putin mai lenta:
„I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
My love for you is strong enough you should have known
I never needed you for judgment
I never needed you to question what I spend
I never ask for help
I take care of myself
I don’t why you think you got a hold on me
And it’s a little late for conversations
There isn’t anything for you to say
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver
So look at me and listen to me because…
I don’t want to stay another minute
I don’t want you to say a single word
Hush hush
Hush hush
There is no other way, I get the final say
I don’t want to, do this any longer
I don’t want you, theres nothing left to say
Hush hush
Hush hush
I’ve already spoken, our love is broken
Baby hush hush..................”
Ii placea sa comunice cu publicul plus ca facea lucrul la care se pricepea cel mai bine:canta.Nu avea cum sa renunte.Dupa ce trase putin aer in piept,interpreta si ultima piesa,acompaniata la pian de Karina:
„We're driving slow through the snow
On fifth avenue
And right now radio's
All that we can hear
Now we ain't talked since we left
It's so overdue
It's cold outside
But between us
It's worse in here
The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through my fingers
I don't wanna try now
All that's lefts goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here................”
La final zambea increzatoare ca poimaine va fi un spectacol superb.Eiri ii spuse sa stea jos,asa ca ase aseza,band putina apa si vorbind cu Karina.Se temea putin de concert sie ar si normal,avand in vedere ca nu mai cantase niciodata in fata milioanelor de oameni si cu atat mai putin,intr-o tara straina.Totusi,isi controla bine emotile de fata cu ceilalti.Oricum,parac vedea ca inainte de concert,cu cateva minute,va intra in panica.Asa patea tot timpul.Rabufnea in ultimul moment.
Peste un sfert de ora,Zoey era iarasi in picioare,cantand „Because of you” acompaniata de blonda,care canta la pian.:
„I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid..............”
Cand o privi mai bine pe blonda,isi dadu seama cat de mult ii placea fetei sa cante la un instrument cu clape si isi aminti,cum,intr-o zi,matusa ei o invatase sa cante putin la pian.Se intrista la gandul ca ea nu o va vedea la concert,asa ca decise sa fie atenta la Eiri:
-Bun.Dupa asta vei canta singura „Innocence” si „White horse”.Da-i drumul.
Zoey zambi usor si interpreta prima piesa:
„Waking up to see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it`s so great
Slowing down I look around and I`m so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn`t change a thin about it...
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant
I hope that you will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don`t go away
I need you now
And I`ll hold on to it
Don`t you let it pass you by......”
Nu se suparse pe Eiri care ordona pe o voce calma ce sa cante.Stia ca era un concert important si ca muncise mult ca sa reuseasca sa il organizeze.Intelegea ca in doua ore si jumatate,trebuia sa
incante publicul si pentru asta avea nevoie de cantece.
Continua cu urmatoarea piesa,pe care o compusese Karina,care ii spusese ca era inspirata din viata rozaliei.
„Say you're sorry
That face of an angel comes out
Just when you need it to
As I pace back and forth all this time
I honestly believed in you
Holding on,
The days drag on
Stupid girl
I should have known, I should have known

That I'm not a princess
This ain't a fairytale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood,
This is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now its too late for you and your White Horse,
To come around.......”
-Urmeaza apoi „Say ok” si „Angels”.Le canti tot singura.
Zoey aproba si incepu sa cante prima piesa care ii placea datorita versurilor:
„You are fine
You are sweet
But I'm still a bit naive with my heart
When you're close I don't breathe
I can't find the words to speak
I feel sparks
But I don't wanna start seeing you
If I can't be your only one

So tell me when it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
Say OK.................”
Eiri o privea incantat gandindu-se ca era incredibila.Alesese bine solista trupei.Zoey era prietenoasa,muncitoare,draguta,inteligenta si avea un talent nemaipomenit.E adevarat ca putea fi si rautacioasa,ironica si razbunatoare,cand vroia,dar ea tinea trupa unita.Asculta urmatorul cantec,privind-o uimit de gratia ei:
„I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we’re gray and old
’Cause I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when I’m lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel the love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

And through it all he offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me
When I come to call she won’t forsake me
I’m loving angels instead............”
La final,fata se intoarse spre el,asteptand continuarea.Blondul o privea bland,gandindu-se la sentimentul ciudat de protectie,pe care il simtea fata de ea.Isi scutura usor capul,trezindu-se din starea de visare si spuse: urma ultima parte.Zoey,vei canta „Unfaithful”,”Don’t waste your time”,”Voice within” si „Hurt”,la care vei repeta maine scenariul,deoarece finalul va fi mai grandios.Repeta-le si apoi sunteti liberi.
„ Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
Cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company

He's more than a man
And this is more than love
The reason that the sky is blue
The clouds are rolling in
Because I'm gone again
And to him I just can't be true

And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying.........”
Versurile rasunara in intrega incapere,facand-o pe Karina sa planga.Desi nu arata,era destul de sensibila si unele din cantecele ei,ii dezvaluiau adevarata personalitate.Rozalia intelegea de de lui Ken ii placea de ea si spera ca si ea intr-o zi sa aiba o relatie ca a lor.
Peste cateva secunde,urmatoarea piesa incepu,aceasta fiind mai vioaie:
„It's over, it's over, it's over...
It seems you can't hear me
When I open my mouth you never listen
You say stay, but what does that mean
Do you think I honestly want to be reminded forever?

Don't waste your time trying to fix
What I want to erase
What I need to forget
Don't waste your time on me my friend
Friend, what does that even mean
I don't want your hand
You'll only pull me down
So save your breath
Don't waste your song on me, on me
Don't waste your time............”
Akira zambea privind-o pe fata cum dansa vesela.Ii placea dorinta ei de viata.Pana acum cateva saptamani,dorinta lui fusese de a deveni foarte faimos.De a reusi sa se puna pe picioare.Totusi,de al o vreme,de cand o intalnise pe ea,isi dadu seama ca dorea ceva mai mult.O vroia pe ea.O dorea,o iubea si vroia sa aiba un viitor impreuna.Nu mai traia doar pentru el.
Zoey incepu si a treia piesa,care ii amintea de copilarie si de cat de apropiata si protejata fusese de matusa ei:
„Young girl don't cry,
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall,
Young girl it's all right,
Your tears will dry you'll soon be free to fly,

When your safe inside your room you tend to dream,
Of a place where nothings harder than it seems,
Never ever wants or bothers to explain,
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means,

When there's no one else,
Look inside your self and like your oldest friend,
Just trust the voice within,
Then you'll find the strength,
That will guide the way if you will just learn to begin,
To trust the voice within..........”
Vocea fetei dezgropa amintiri in sufletele celorlalti.Avea darul de ai uni pe toti,facandu-i sa fie o mare familie.Trup si suflet.Continua cu ultima piesa,interpretarea ei fiind impecabila si divina:
„ Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
Ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you........”
La final,toti apaludara,incantati de inchiere si in acelasi timp,obositi.Eiri le spuse ca piesele vor fi cantate in aceasta ordine si ca maine vor repeta dansurile si vor termina de pus totul la punct.La ora 10:30 ii astepta in hol,dupa ce serveau micul-dejun,ca pe 11:00 sa fie la stadion.La ora 18:00 aveau emisiunea TV.
Toti aprobara obositi si se indreptara spre iesire.Rozalia bau putina apa si se indrepta spre iesire,cand simti o mana calda pe umar.Se intoarse,Eiri zambind si intreband-o:
-Nu ai vrea sa mergem sa vedem orasul?

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
RE: Cheia dragostei - de ~angelino~ - 15-01-2009, 10:15 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 18-01-2009, 02:13 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Flash - 18-01-2009, 02:15 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 24-01-2009, 09:55 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 31-01-2009, 01:26 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Ely-chin - 31-01-2009, 04:58 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 07-02-2009, 12:08 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Kazuki - 13-02-2009, 07:29 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 15-02-2009, 08:12 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 21-02-2009, 06:29 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 08-03-2009, 03:50 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de TrieuTriTrinh - 09-03-2009, 11:52 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 04-04-2009, 02:27 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Obsession. - 05-04-2009, 06:21 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Monica Wksv - 05-04-2009, 07:12 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Elusive wolf - 05-04-2009, 07:35 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 11-04-2009, 09:13 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 24-05-2009, 12:05 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de sakura_alexutza - 27-05-2009, 11:43 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de SoUl EaTeR - 22-06-2009, 04:27 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 08-07-2009, 11:42 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Zyspar - 10-07-2009, 10:20 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de starnight - 13-07-2009, 11:10 AM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de SoUl EaTeR - 13-07-2009, 12:48 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Alisia-chan* - 13-07-2009, 01:35 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei - de Zyspar - 13-07-2009, 01:39 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei[inspirat din Gravitation] - de starnight - 21-07-2009, 07:54 PM
RE: Cheia dragostei[inspirat din Gravitation] - de Vampire`Illusion - 21-07-2009, 09:39 PM

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