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Versiunea completă: Guess the movie
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N-o fi ăla Brad Pitt?
Mr and Ms Smith 10

I've seen this movie, dar la cat mi-a placut nici nu ma mir ca nu am recunoscut primul screen 10
Screen much?

Daca le ghiciti si e clar ca e bine, might as well post w/out invitation ;D
I know that, I've been playing the game with two other people for most of the thread 10

I don't want to post a screen. I'll let somebody else do it.

Sorry for not mentioning 10
May I do the work? It was me who figured out that the main actor was Brad Pitt.
Mă gândeam că, dacă tot nu e nimeni care să fi mai pus ceva fantasy de ceva timp, aş putea să fac o încercare:
@Tox: Veţi supravieţui.
Well then hit us, there's no need to ask

edit: scuze, nu-mi aparea >.<
It's Pan's Labyrinth

Revin cu edit cu imaginea
Pan's Labyrinth 2008 (El labirinto del Fauno)

Ophelia, matraguna, Faunul.

Revin cu un screen. *inner self: spoken like a true Messiah. just don't take three days*

that be Chicago

Saving Private Ryan
Tom Hanks awesome.

Revin cu edit.

Că tot e vorba de filme de război, aici e un clasic:
[Imagine: sissitSL_tv.jpg]

Cuvinte cheie:
Simo Häyhä
"We have won enough ground to bury our dead"

Åži nu, nu e filmul Talvisota (Winter War).