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Schindler's List, nu?
lollololololololoJean-Luc Picard
Yep, Schindler's List xD.
Pui tu urmatorul film? ^^

[Imagine: TL.jpg]
Hint :p ?
hint: John Carpenter

Desi imaginea in sine e un indiciu, ma gandeam ca va fi mai usor. :/
They live. Now I must see this one.

Revin cu un screen.
Citat:They live. Now I must see this one.
Don`t. Filmul e destul de ridicol si stereotipic, totusi ideea e interesanta.

on: Imi pare cunoscut, un indiciu plizz.
Let's see...

"Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."

That's good?
Well, sa fie oare V for Vendetta?
Din screen asa arata, plus ca quote-ul e an extremely good hint.
tot nu bag mana-n foc.
Yeah, it is .

You're next. :p
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