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pai vezi .... stiam eu ca am dreptate *he he he he*
[Imagine: a17504639be4b10d04424d855865eb53.gif][Imagine: A5D0F5D61805ED04AAC6EC72A0549F025BF7966A]
”Know that the only people you can save like that are the ones that survive.”

Crazy-monkey-emoticon-029 Crazy-monkey-emoticon-029 Crazy-monkey-emoticon-029 Vai Ingeras! Yondaime nici nu mai stie de noi! Asta da drama!!Crazy-monkey-emoticon-196
Moving like the speed of sound
      Feet can`t keep on the ground
                        Can`t stay in one place
                              Keep moving like a bullet train...

Acum tu dramatizezi , femeie! Crazy-monkey-emoticon-081
Foarte serios....Crazy-monkey-emoticon-159
[Imagine: a17504639be4b10d04424d855865eb53.gif][Imagine: A5D0F5D61805ED04AAC6EC72A0549F025BF7966A]
”Know that the only people you can save like that are the ones that survive.”

Crazy-monkey-emoticon-189 zau?!
Crazy-monkey-emoticon-081 Crazy-monkey-emoticon-010
Moving like the speed of sound
      Feet can`t keep on the ground
                        Can`t stay in one place
                              Keep moving like a bullet train...

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