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FRUMOS....imiplace stilul tau,unic! tine-o tot aja dar as avea un sfat: incearca sa folosesti mai multe umbre,si o s iti iasa mai marfa. oricum e f bine! astept sa vad si altele:bye:

o fain
desenezi fain
imi plac culorile parca sunt fosforescente
esti la inceput?dak da nu se vede
continua sa desenezi ai sa vezi ca te vei perfectiona treptat
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

ai un stil interesant de a desena
imi plac creatiile tale si faptul ca dupa ce le desenezi le editezi si le colorezi....
asta imi place cel mai mult
mai astept desene
succes in continuare ^^"
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

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