Răspunsuri: 872
Subiecte: 54
Data înregistrării: Dec 2010
Zupi: 86.672 z
08-11-2012, 06:26 PM
(Ultima modificare: 14-11-2012, 04:58 PM {2} de Stormrage.)
These are troublesome times. The Archangles,The Pope,Obama,Putin, they all thought it would never come. But the time is upon us. Armaggeddon englufed our planet. The Gods, Llamas and the Bads, Unicorns, they all are wagin War. Everything started on Pineapple Land, where Llamas were having a meeting. They decided to protect those little humans with their army. So they stole Nomirdza, the daughter of an Unicorn general. When the Unicorns got word of that, they decided to join the way. Now every army is readying their weapons. Who will win? Who will be the hero? Who stole my banana?
Well, it's simply. You just have to complete this:
Age (under 10000):
Race (llama/unicorn):
Planet (whatever you want, is all your choice):
Fur colour:
Horn colour (just for unicorns):
Religion (christian/ catholic/ ipu etc.):
Good/bad habits:
Meaning of life (optional):
Me first!
Name: Pieceofshit
Gender: Unknown.
Age (under 10000): 9999
Race (llama/unicorn): Unicorn
Planet (whatever you want, is all your choice): Deftonia, a beautiful lonely planet held as a secret by Naron.
Fur colour: Black with a little pentagram on his butt.
Horn colour (just for unicorns): Iron horn so he stab demons in their ass, of course protecting Sam and Dean at the same time.
Religion (christian/ catholic/ ipu etc.): Satanist.
Powers: He has fire and ice power, which means he can do whatever he wants with those two elements (even kicking an demon or llama ass)
Good/bad habits: He's smoking too much.
Story: He has no story, he's runaway, he returned from exile and now he wants to help unicorns with the war, in memory of his dead brother who fought against llama and died to protect the horned ones.
Meaning of life (optional): Life has no meaning.
Răspunsuri: 150
Subiecte: 8
Data înregistrării: Dec 2011
Zupi: 31.153 z
08-11-2012, 07:39 PM
(Ultima modificare: 08-11-2012, 07:41 PM {2} de Fata cu par de foc.)
Name: Nihaha (Ana)
Gender: sexy chick.
Age: 1
Race: unicorn. (or bicorn/tricorn, it depends on the number of vodka shots you drank.)
Planet: Venus (-mountain, to be more accurate.)
Fur colour: portocalie. Cu foc prin coama/coada..
Horn colour: cristalin.
Religion: miserupism.
Powers: fly. (or flee, if there's work to do)
Good/bad habits: rade cu precipitatii, ca orice cabalina. Totusi, daca are criza de ras, saliva ei se transforma in acid sulfuric.
Story: in timp ce Venus colinda pamantul ca sa vada pe cine mai vrajeste, il intalneste pe calul inaripat al lui Hercule, Pegas, de care se indragosteste. Astfel, cei doi dau nastere unui unicorn (don't blame me, blame the freaking ancient mythology, where Leda had eggs with freaking Zeus-swan), cel mai frumos dintre toti, care ii ia rolul zeitei frumusetii in rasa sa. Cheesy.
Meaning of life: sa ajunga un secs-symbol, sa fie scrise despre ea nenumarate poeme si cantece. Sa ajunga pe cel putin o coperta de revista fashion pentru unicorn. Sa seduca dusmanii si sa-i calce in copite.
Răspunsuri: 69
Subiecte: 1
Data înregistrării: Aug 2012
Zupi: 1.690 z
(08-11-2012, 07:39 PM)Fata cu par de foc A scris: Aww.
Name: Nihaha (Ana)
Gender: sexy chick.
Age: 1
Race: unicorn. (or bicorn/tricorn, it depends on the number of vodka shots you drank.)
Planet: Venus (-mountain, to be more accurate.)
Fur colour: portocalie. Cu foc prin coama/coada..
Horn colour: cristalin.
Religion: miserupism.
Powers: fly. (or flee, if there's work to do)
Good/bad habits: rade cu precipitatii, ca orice cabalina. Totusi, daca are criza de ras, saliva ei se transforma in acid sulfuric.
Story: in timp ce Venus colinda pamantul ca sa vada pe cine mai vrajeste, il intalneste pe calul inaripat al lui Hercule, Pegas, de care se indragosteste. Astfel, cei doi dau nastere unui unicorn (don't blame me, blame the freaking ancient mythology, where Leda had eggs with freaking Zeus-swan), cel mai frumos dintre toti, care ii ia rolul zeitei frumusetii in rasa sa. Cheesy.
Meaning of life: sa ajunga un secs-symbol, sa fie scrise despre ea nenumarate poeme si cantece. Sa ajunga pe cel putin o coperta de revista fashion pentru unicorn. Sa seduca dusmanii si sa-i calce in copite.
Okay,imi pare rau de offtopic, momentan nu am inspiratia/cheful necesar sa ma bag in asemenea chestii,dar nu am mai ras atat de mult de vreme buna. Trebuia sa imi exprim admiratia!
My sides hurt.
Faza cu muntele Venus (care nu stiu daca astia mai tineri o sa o prinda)..just..comedic gold.Also,tricorn.
Imi sterg lacrimile in timp ce scriu asta.
Va aplaud! Doar cu doua maini din pacate. Incerc si cu picioarele dar e cam greu la birou!
My faith in humanity is restored.
Also,nu stergeti postul, mi-o veni si mie sa-mi fac personagiu,si o sa il editez pe acesta.
Răspunsuri: 1.782
Subiecte: 135
Data înregistrării: Aug 2010
Zupi: 47.841 z
Name: Bam Bam
Gender: Tansvestite, at times defined as male lesbian
Age: As old as you want me, baby
Race: Llama, the kind that would chew a child and spit him back out in your face before it kicks you in the groin
Planet: Gaudali (the planet of twisted long legged researchers which happen to be mosaic colored chicken)
Horn colour: You don't want to know the color of that horn
Religion: Asimovian
Powers: Throwing fireballs and spitting pink acid
Good/bad habits: Picks its nose with the hooves from time to time and has a tendency of passing gas when other llamas are around; loves gardening
Story: Grew up on the lovely volcanic plains of Chihuaha district, his mother was a camel and his father was a boxing zebra; left home after he fell in love with a mermaid. They got married and she divorced him one month later for a clown fish. He decided to dress up as a woman ever since.
Meaning of life: To find the mermaid and the clown fish and make a lovely stew out of them
probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine
au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...
Răspunsuri: 85
Subiecte: 15
Data înregistrării: Dec 2011
Zupi: 1.827 z
Name: DarkFrost
Gender: male
Age (under 10000): 1826
Race (llama/unicorn): unicorn
Planet (whatever you want, is all your choice): IceDoom
Fur colour: Blueish
Horn colour (just for unicorns): Dark Blue
Religion (christian/ catholic/ ipu etc.): Christian
Powers: Can freeze everything XP
Good/bad habits: Can be mean and irnonically (bad) Loves kids and helping others (good)
Story: Was borned from an ice block, so practically he's cold like ice. He's a loner, messing around and living under the moons side. No friends or fammily
Meaning of life (optional): To became a hero I guess?...
My bike is epic, bischez b-)
Răspunsuri: 1.723
Subiecte: 36
Data înregistrării: Jun 2010
Zupi: 28.095 z
04-05-2013, 04:31 PM
(Ultima modificare: 04-05-2013, 04:34 PM {2} de yaoi maniac.)
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2
Răspunsuri: 103
Subiecte: 6
Data înregistrării: Jul 2010
Zupi: 650 z
04-07-2015, 02:27 PM
(Ultima modificare: 04-07-2015, 02:30 PM {2} de tzahranul.)
Name:pet rock
Gender:rocks don't have genders, silly
Age (under 10000):age is irelephant. rock is forever
Race (llama/unicorn):regardless of choice, we are all made of mother star rock dust
Planet (whatever you want, is all your choice):in the beginning there was nothing
Fur colour:ew, get that off of me;rocks hate fur
Horn colour (just for unicorns):there might be some prehistoric horns in me. huhuh, horny, geddit. but I am not certain of the color
Religion (christian/ catholic/ ipu etc.)  astafarian
Powers:rolls down the river
Good/bad habits:sometimes stops rolling and what's a rock without a roll
Story:I was primordial rock. And as primordial rock I of exploded. And then I divided. And then offspring little rocks thought they could outsmart me. Maybe! Maybe; but I have yet to see one to outsmart physics.
Meaning of life (optional):continuity