20-09-2008, 05:26 PM
Vechiul meu cont de pe YouTube nu prea mai exista, asa ca am facut altu' nou, si am profitat de ocazie sa le uploadez HD. Pana una alta, e timpu' pentru un update:
Primul meu AMV facut cu programe care n'au venit odata cu Windowsu'...
Youtube link: God is a girl
Poate fi downloadat de aici, la fel ca majoritatea AMV'urilor pe care le'am facut: CLICK
02 - Out of Control
Anime: Naruto
Music: Hoobastank - Out of Control
03 - Bleach Crawling in the Dark
Anime: Bleach
Song: Hoobastank - Crawling in the Dark
05 - Alche Note
Anime: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist
Song: Maximum The Hormone - What's Up, People!?
Contest Participation: AnimaX 2008 Finalist
06 - Haruhi Me Against The World
Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu
Song: Superchic[k] - Me Against The World
Contest Participation: NIJIKON 2008 - FINALIST
07 - Ianade
~ no effects vid ~
Anime: Angel Sanctuary
Song: E Nomine - Vater Unser
Primul meu AMV facut cu programe care n'au venit odata cu Windowsu'...
Youtube link: God is a girl
Poate fi downloadat de aici, la fel ca majoritatea AMV'urilor pe care le'am facut: CLICK
02 - Out of Control
Anime: Naruto
Music: Hoobastank - Out of Control
03 - Bleach Crawling in the Dark
Anime: Bleach
Song: Hoobastank - Crawling in the Dark
05 - Alche Note
Anime: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist
Song: Maximum The Hormone - What's Up, People!?
Contest Participation: AnimaX 2008 Finalist
06 - Haruhi Me Against The World
Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu
Song: Superchic[k] - Me Against The World
Contest Participation: NIJIKON 2008 - FINALIST
07 - Ianade
~ no effects vid ~
Anime: Angel Sanctuary
Song: E Nomine - Vater Unser