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[Vampire Knight] My Hunter-san

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Chapter III

A new day. The same mission.

For the past few days, Zero followed Anya everywhere and Anya pretended not to notice. It had been amusing at first, but even Anya had her limits.

They had gone into a local coffee shop. Anya enjoyed her coffee while Zero stayed at another table, a place from where he could see any and every move that she made.

After only just a moment of Zero averting his eyes, he turned back to find that she already had vanished from his sight. Seconds later, he found her standing right in front on him. After days of playing catch, Anya decided to make the first step in approaching the ominous hunter.

"Did you order something you like?" Anya asked Zero. She had an innocent aura, but Zero knew better. Behind her innocent words he knew she was mocking him. "The chocolate cake is delicious here." It wasn't enough that she moved her persona to Zero's table, but she came with her order as well.

Well, Anya plan was to finally have a real conversation with her new entertainer. Zero did not answer. Socializing with his next victim wasn't his sort of thing.

But Anya wasn't an ordinary vampire. She didn't know the meaning of giving up. The words just weren't in her vocabulary.

"You know, I know you're following me, hunter-san. If it was a secret, it didn't work. So, why are you following me?" as response she received a deadly glare. Did he really need to tell her?

"Most men stalk me due to my beauty, because they're attracted to me. Are you that kind of man, hunter-san?" that was too much, even for Zero. This filthy pureblood had implied that he was attracted to her. For god's sake, he just wanted to shoot her and return home.

"Don't flatter yourself, Filthy. Mind my words: when I see you make a wrong move, I will kill you. Following you has absolutely nothing to do with your beauty."

This was certainly the kind of conversation she expected to have with hunter-san, her new victim.

"Hunter-san, you're rude. I know from ancient times that hunters' blood boils when a vampire is around, but that's not a reason to have no manners. To call a girl filthy is loathsome. Before a hunter, you're a man and nothing is more disgusting than a man with no respect for women."

Not only was he stuck in a rainy town, but now a filthy creature was giving him manner lessons. The world must have turned upside down.

"Hunter-san, I know you hate vampires, it's all over your face, but I can sense that you're a vampire, too. When you say filthy do you mean only my kind, purebloods or all vampires?

These purebloods and their sharp sense of smell. Of course she would be able to sense his lost humanity. "And my hunters-san, I don't know the reasons why I am watched by the Hunters Association, but trust me, you won't catch me." Anya returned to her chocolate cake while the young hunter gave her a we-will-see look.
After hours of waiting for her favorite hunter and lover to return, a fuming Maria left home. A part of her thought that she was guilty, but the other side, and it was a noisier one, just wanted just to strangle that guilty hunter.

Yeah, she knew they were too young for marriage, but did he really have to ditch her like that? He could have at least said something like he wasn't not ready or their relationship should remain the way it was for a while until he thought he was ready.

But no, he left her alone in that stupid clearing (it had been such a beautiful clearing before that) waiting for hours for a man who had run away. He did not have the courage to say no to her. Oh…he was going to see when she got her hands on him…maybe she was small and fragile, but Zero should have known better: nothing can compare to a woman's rage. He was going to know the feeling on his own skin.

But out of all the time in the world. The first step was to put her tiny hands around his neck to find out where he was. And that's why she was currently in Cross's office.

"It's been a while since I've see you, Maria-chan. since you're here do you want to taste the new rose tea?" As always, Cross Kaien was a perfect host. It was hard for her to keep her rage in check, but the nobility within her helped to maintain her image.

"I would love to."

While Cross prepared the tea, they talked about trivial things, how work was going for Cross or how Maria's parents were doing. Once they sat down to drink the new flavor of the rose tea it was time for their serious talk.

"I think you're feeling alone without Zero around. You've gotten so used to him within the last year…" the man opened the conversation. It was better this way for Maria. She wouldn't look like a mad, fragile vampire.

"It was so sudden. I couldn't say goodbye to him. Because of this I don't even know where he is." she was calm on the surface, but she was boiling inside. If she hadn't received a proper education on manners in the past, she would have demolished the office she was currently in.

"I was surprised. At first he rejected the mission, but few hours later he decided to accept it."

"No kidding!" I was right. He ran away because I proposed to get married. You baka Zero! Wait and see…wait and see when I put my hands on you…

"I thought he rejected it because of you, he didn't want to be separated from you. This is why I don't get why would he changed his mind and go to UK when he was totally against it?" for Cross Kaien, the reasons of his son (and he never gave up calling Zero his son) were a total mystery for him. This boy's logic seemed so complicated sometimes.

The first step of Maria's mission was accomplished. Finally she found out Zero's location. Next she should find out his precise address, UK was very big.

"UK? Why he would be sent there?" Kaien gave her a confidential look, hunters' missions were secrets. "Come on, Cross-san, you can trust in me. In case you forgot, I and Zero have been lovers for a while. My mouth is sealed."

Kaien gave her another pitiful look. "Maria-chan, I can't tell you details about a hunters' mission. It's against the rules." Apparently it was harder than she thought it will be. But she wouldn't give up so easily.

More than a year ago, when she proposed to conquer Zero she hadn't given up until the silver hunter didn't surrender under her pressure, or her charm, as she liked to call it.

"I can't believe you, Cross-san. You know Zero and I are deeply bound, and that bond was created in the last year, but you still deny my right to know where he is. Do you know how painful it is for a woman in love to know nothing about her beloved one? Since he left with no words, I wonder if he's alright, if he's getting enough sleep or eating well. You're a cruel man, Cross-san!"

First tears on Maria's cheeks broke any kind of rule Cross had until then. "Don't cry Maria-chan. I will give you his address from London and his phone number. Today you can call him to say goodnight to him."

Maria took the napkin Cross gave her and removed the trace of her fake tears. "Oh! Thank you Cross-san! Sorry for calling you a cruel man. You're a kind man."

Cross went to his desk, opened the drawer, took a piece of paper and gave it to Maria. With her goal finally accomplished she left Cross behind. She had to prepare the next step of her plan.
Anya was in her room thinking about today's events. Even if she enjoyed talking with hunter-san, a part of her was annoyed. He was rude with a cute girl such as her. And he called himself a man. He should be ashamed for his behavior. Day by day, there were fewer gentlemen in the world.

But he was a vampire hunter, so it was normal for him to hate vampires. Their only goal in life was to hunt and kill their prey. The blood inside him screamed for this. But before even that, he was a man and men should respect women. He was an interesting man, she would give him that. While she was around him, she could sense pureblood blood inside his body. She guessed he was fed by a pureblood.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Walter entering the room.

"My lady, it's time for you to do your homework." He really was a pain in the ass sometimes. Why did he come every day and request an impossible thing.

"Walter, did you remember my answer from yesterday?" Walter nodded. "Good. Then go and do my homework. The day when I will do human's homework hasn't yet come."

Really, was she a grown up woman or a child? Considering her behavior, Walter started to doubt about her woman status. She really was impossible. If she had been five years old, he would have put her on his knees and given her a spank.

"My lady, if you don't like doing homework then why did you join a school as a student. Being a student requires homework to be done. If this displeases you, then quit."

Why can't he keep his mouth shut? I am his master, but he isn't completely tamed. Why you had to be a special being and why I am attracted to that? Don't get me wrong, I am glad that you're special, but sometimes you annoy me. Like now.

Looking at him, Anya noticed his I-want-an-answer look. She sighed.

"Walter, put that aside. I want to talk about something else with you." Walter submitted to her wish and took a seat at the table across from her. "What do you think about the new student, the one who's a vampire hunter?"

Since Zero came into the picture and his lady caught a liking of him, she always avoided talking with Walter about this subject. His lady being always close with that silver man constantly disturbed him; he always sensed she was in danger. It never ceased to bother him.

"I don't like him, my lady. For your sake it would be better if you avoided him." He was firm in his answer, but why did he have the feeling that his opinion didn't matter? Oh yeah, because she always did what she wanted and when things got worse, he was the one who had to clean up the mess.

"I like him. The first time I saw him, I knew he was an interesting man. You know he has pureblood blood inside his system? I guess he was the pet of a pureblood. If he was a pet before, then why won't he be mine, too? But he will be a violent pet, like a pit bull." A faint smile showed on her rosy lips. "I would love to have him under my will." She stretched her arms. "I was bored in school until now. My school life will be a bit more interesting now."

He knew what she planned. She would start to slowly charm him. Before being a pureblood she was a woman, and a beautiful one at that. Maybe he was a hunter and hated vampires, but he's a man nonetheless. When she wanted something from him, he would have no choice but to oblige.

"My lady, I don't doubt your abilities to seduce men, but the game you play is a dangerous one. My lady, if the game becomes dangerous, please give up! I don't want to lose you, my lady."

"Don't worry Walter. My life won't be in danger. The hunter-san will become my hunter-san."

No matter what she said, he planned to stay close and stop the man if he made an attempt at his lady's life.
His days just seemed to go from worse to worse. He followed her for hours, hoping she would make a slight mistake, enough for him to get a mandate to finish her off. But not that he was wasting his time, she did nothing to get his attention, aside from the fact that she wasted her time shopping and eating. They were bound to each other: she wasted her time, a.k.a. he wasted his time.

And today was a new day for his mission. His target walked on academy halls in the same extravagant outfit. She really was different from other purebloods. When he followed her, he noticed that her butler was nowhere in sight. It was a first cause he was always at her side and giving Zero deadly glares when he thought Zero stared too much at his lady.

Zero following Anya was in her plan. It would have been futile if he would have kept his routine. Suddenly, she increased the rhythm of her steps. Zero tried to catch up with her, but he lost her. Knowing she must be somewhere in the academy, Zero followed his senses to find her.

Everything went how she planned. With sure big steps Zero headed for her trap. Zero arrived into a place with a lot of doors, but what was worse was that he felt her scent coming from each of them. If luck was on his side, he would get into the right room from his first attempt.

Luck wasn't on his side. He checked five rooms and Anya was nowhere. What was worse was he had another five doors to check. He was at the seventh door when he noticed a dark silhouette in the corner of the room.

"Finally! I thought I was going to die of boredom waiting for you." Zero took out his bloody rose from his jacket pocket and pointed to her.

"Then you should have died. You would have spared my bullets." His reply was cold, how she expected it to be.

"You should calm down, hunter-san. I have done nothing to deserve your cold treatment. Can you put that aside? I won't eat you, not literally anyway."

"What games are you playing, Filth?" his gun was still pointed towards her. The aura inside became darker, sign of Anya being pissed. He really had no manners at all.

"Still rude, aren't we?" Anya rose up from her chair and headed towards, Zero not caring about the deadly weapon pointed at her persona. "It's a shame for a student of this academy to use such harsh words to a lady. I guess hunters aren't taught to speak nicely to women. You know, that language where you don't insult them."

Anya was standing right in front of him. She lifted her right hand and touched Zero's arms, trying to put aside his weapon. "You won't use this weapon because you won't have a reason to."

"Are you testing your luck?"

"Even if I left Japan, where most of the vampires are gathered, that doesn't mean I am a fool. I am aware of our laws and hunters' laws. You can't kill me without a reason. You need a damn good excuse to do so."

"Are you willing to make a bet on it, Filth?"

"Oh, hunter-san, you wanted to kill me the first moment you saw me, but you didn't, so I can conclude you don't have the right to do so. You're following me to get that good damn reason. It must be really hard on you to not be able to kill me while you're wishing for it so badly."

She was right, of course. He couldn't kill her. The law stopped him from giving her the final blow right there and now. She did nothing obvious to put her on a hunting list. But she was put under surveillance, so then it means she's not a nice vampire. Sooner or later he was going to be the one who ended her life.

"You're right. I can't give you the final blow according to the law. But my patience has a limit. One day I will wake up and I will shoot you, enough for you not to die. My finger will have slipped. I think it will be quite the accident."

Anya didn't listen in on his warning. Instead, the palms of her hands found their way to his coat. Lightly she pressed them on his covered chest.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" He was surprised by her actions. Never in his life did his prey approach him and became so…intimate with him. Something must be wrong with this woman.

Gently, she pushed him into the wall behind him while her hands never left his body. "You're interesting, hunter-san. I like people like you." she said with a low, sweet voice. "You know, we purebloods live forever and we get bored pretty quickly. To kill time, some of us play dangerous games, like Sara-san did. Some try to find innocence, but entertainment is just a way to pass time. Some live many different lives in different cities, how I like to do it."

Her pale fingers undid the buttons of his coat. Zero was stunned by her actions. His thoughts raced. What the…is she trying to seduce me? Her clever fingers didn't stop at his coat, but started to work at his shirt buttons, too. With each button undone, more skin was revealed to her sight.

Her gentle, pale fingers touched the bare skin revealed. Too shocked by her actions, the silver-haired hunter didn't move an inch, leaving his bare chest to be caressed by playful fingers. Involuntarily, his lips late escape a sound which shouldn't have been there, and fortunately for him, it was the trigger which awoke him from his slumber.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked while he smacked her hands away from his body and wanted to point his gun at her. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't in his hands anymore, instead it was somewhere on the floor. Inside his head Zero cursed his inability to react. He felt disgust for the being in front of him, but he was under her spell when she made her surprising move towards him. She really was a damn strange pureblood.

"Why do you react this way, hunter-san?" Through her voice Zero could feel she was offended by the way he treated her precious hands. "I already told I found you interesting."

If before he had no idea about her definition of interesting before, now he felt it on his own skin, a little, but enough for him to grasp the meaning.

"You want me as a man? Are you nuts? I am here to kill you, not be your prey, Filth." Anya sighed. No matter how many manners lesson she tried to teach him, this silver-haired hunter was deaf to her lessons.

"I won't eat you hunter-san, not literally anyway. I like you, and mark my words: one day you will be mine. You will crave for my touch and will come to me willingly." For a moment a chill crossed his spine. In his 20 years, he had met many of her kind and he knew just how stubborn they could be. His days were going to be more animated. That was for sure.

Zero cursed the moment when he decided to take this mission.
[Imagine: 486312-1.jpg]

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 13-02-2012, 01:06 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 16-02-2012, 12:02 AM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 16-02-2012, 03:48 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 10-03-2012, 11:42 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 13-03-2012, 11:08 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 13-04-2013, 09:22 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de yaoi maniac - 13-04-2013, 10:38 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 15-04-2013, 02:19 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 09-05-2013, 02:18 PM

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