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In acest moment v.3

Mood: Happy now, I laughed like hell for the past few hours
Status: Single
Locatie: Bed, trying to adjust to the heat
Mananc: It's half one in the morning, yes, just what I want. Bring me those double Big Macs will ya? Hell no
Beau: Oh no, I'm good thanks
Sunt imbracat in: Underwear
Ascult: Robot Unicorn Attack Song - you people are prolly too young to know what it means
Privesc: The mess in my room
Status messenger: In the garden full of angels you will never be alone
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: I stopped speaking to Reich cause he was pissing me off
Citesc: Cerere 4 - because nothing makes my day better than reading personalised adult oneshots wrote by a dear friend for me
Ma gandesc la: Access denied, content too mature for posting here
Dating: At this hour of the night? Jo, cause I'm having a fit of laughter 24
Doresc: Access denied, content too mature for posting here
Iubesc pe: Mada, Jo, Aly, and all the people that make my day better
Nervoasa pe: Jurg
Urasc pe: Nope
Imi lipseste: Access denied, content too mature for posting here
Abia astept sa: Access denied, content too mature for posting here
[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


Mood: plictisita, lenesa si entuziasmata in acelasi timp
Status: forever alone
Locatie: acasa. Home is where internet is.
Mananc: Kinder Pingui. Al treilea pe ziua de azi.
Beau: nescafe frappe. Am pus cam multa apa in el si nu are un gust prea bun, dar merge.
Sunt imbracat in: blugi si tricou, dar as renunta usor la ele; mor de cald.
Ascult: Metallica - Bleeding me.
Privesc: teoremele de pe perete; nu vreau sa le mai dau jos chiar daca teza a trecut de mult. O sa mai am nevoie de ele.
Status messenger: I'm diggin' my way to somethin' better
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: nimeni, deocamdata. Astept sa intre o anumita persona.
Citesc: Orasul cu salcami de Mihail Sebastian. Inca nu am terminat-o, dar sigur azi e gata.
Ma gandesc la: cat de fangirl sunt uneori si cat de mult imi place totusi sa ma obsedeze un anumit serial.
Dating: vezi status
Doresc: multe lucruri, dar cel mai tare sa plec undeva departe, unde nimeni nu ma cunoaste.
Iubesc pe: posterul meu cu Metallica
Nervoasa pe: profa de romana, din toate motivele posibile.
Urasc pe: posibil pe profa de romana, dar nu cred ca imi pasa suficient de mult de ea pentru asta
Imi lipseste: fericirea? Poate ca da.
Abia astept sa: il vad din nou si sa vorbim, pentru ca tare ma tem ca nu o sa il vad toata vacanta.
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
~Florence + The Machine

Mood: Hot, hot, hot T.T
Status: Single
Locatie: @work, and it's bloody hot! T.T 36 degrees ¬.¬
Mananc: I'm starving but have no food with me
Beau: About a dozen coffees and a litre of water
Sunt imbracat in: Shorts and the Coral Bay Divers sleeveless vest. It's a red polo vest, it's horrid! T.T and it's made of cotton so it's blargh...
Ascult: itunes Radio, Simply Red - Stars
Privesc: The quiet shop, and the fan spinning above my head
Status messenger: / can't be online
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: / not online
Citesc: The Invisible man by H.G. Wells, I have Aldiko on this Android phone, this is one thing sturdy old Nokia doesn't have!
Ma gandesc la: My conversation of last night with tiger pup and wanting to get home already cause I'm hungry and want to swim
Dating: Nope, not really, no
Doresc: Hmm, two days off instead of just one
Iubesc pe: Mada, Jo, Aly, and all the people that make my day better
Nervoasa pe: I ain't today, not yet
Urasc pe: Nope
Imi lipseste: Hmm, content too mature at a point. And Mada, and Dad, and everybody else 2
Abia astept sa: See what this kid's all about, he gave me his number last night, but I was more stubborn and told him that if he wants to go out, he should call me, cause I can't be bothered.
[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


Mood: Adormita si plictisita.
Status: -
Locatie: Acasa, unde se afla si calculatorul.
Mananc: Visine.
Beau: Apa plata.
Sunt imbracat in: Camasa alba si pantaloni trei sferturi, albastri.
Ascult: Akcent - I'm Sorry
Privesc: Papagalii ce mananca seminte.
Status messenger: "Nu ma deranjati. Suparata pe careva."
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: Nimeni.
Citesc: Nimic in acest moment, dar ma apuc de saptamana viitoare de "Imparatul mustelor" de William Golding.
Ma gandesc la: Ceva ce s-a intamplat la scoala, nimic important.
Dating: Voi iesi in cateva minute din casa pentru a ma intalni cu o colega, Diana.
Doresc: Sa treaca ziua de maine cat mai repede, dar nici n-a venit inca *laughs*.
Iubesc pe: Diana, si cam atat in acest moment (inafara de familie).
Nervoasa pe: O profesoara, stiu eu motivul.
Urasc pe: Profesoara pomenita si la punctul anterior.
Imi lipseste: O anumita melodie pe care n-o pot gasi in toata lista aceea de 800 si ceva de piese.
Abia astept sa: Treca ca ziua de maine, pentru a fi oficial in vacanta.

Mood: dancy
Status: forever alone
Locatie: in dormitorul meu oribil de infierbantat
Mananc: nimic deocamdata
Beau: Nestea de mango si ananas. Nu ma intereseaza cate E-uri are, eu il ador.
Sunt imbracat in: rochita de plaja prea scurta si transparenta ca sa o port in oras, deci o port in casa
Ascult: Ac/Dc - Back in black, pentru ca era prima in playlist
Privesc: cartea deschisa din fata mea
Status messenger: nu am mai avut chef sa intru pe mess
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: cum am spus mai sus, nu prea am chef de vorba acum
Citesc: Razboiul Lumilor de Wells
Ma gandesc la: cat de multe lucruri mi-am propus sa fac si cum n-o sa-mi iasa nimic si la cat de mult imi doresc sa merg in Austria... pentru totdeauna daca se poate.
Dating: nu
Doresc: sa plec in Austria, sa invat la mate, sa citesc
Iubesc pe: sandalele mele noi cu trandafir
Nervoasa pe: aceleasi sandale pentru ca mi-au cam nenorocit picioarele
Urasc pe: mine, desi, in mod ciudat, ma si iubesc
Imi lipseste: momentan, bani. Sunt atatea lucruri pe care vreau sa le fac vara asta si toate necesita bani, fir-ar
Abia astept sa: inceapa in sfarsit vacanta si sa plec undeva
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
~Florence + The Machine

Mood: Bored
Status: Gimme a candy! I feel like eating a candy.
Locatie: in fata PC-ului
Mananc: un croissant Delly cu aroma de vanilie si cacao
Beau: apa plata
Sunt imbracata in: intr-o pereche de pantaloni foarte largi si vaporosi si o bluzita alba, putin larguta, cu umarul descoperit.
Ascult: zgomotul facut de TV
Privesc: oja roz-pal de pe birou
Status messenger: not on
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: fantoma lui Michael Jackson
Citesc: o manga Yaoi, Aoi no Hitsuji no Yume
Ma gandesc la: faptul ca trebuie sa postez urmatorul capitol la fic... dar mai intai trebuie sa il scriu.
Dating: I wish.
Doresc: sa frang gatul unui tip care-si baga nasul unde nu-i fierbe oala
Iubesc pe: noile mele perechi de bermude. So cute!
Nervoasa pe: kilogramele in plus, duh.
Urasc pe: nimeni, cred... Adica, nu acum.
Imi lipseste: banii, am nevoie de ei.
Abia astept sa: am un motiv sa ies din casa...
:::Hot temptations:::Sweet sensations:::
:::Rhythmic motion:::Raw emotion:::
:::Your reaction:::To my action:::
:::Hour after hour:::Of sweet pleasure:::

Mood: happy. D:
Status: ehe.
Locatie: camera.
Mananc: nimic, not hungry anymore (dupa o specialitate dinaia cu crema, trebuia s-o ascult pe Tita)
Beau: apa, la greu.
Sunt imbracata in: pantaloni scurti albi si un tricou.
Ascult: videoul lui frate'miu.
Privesc: soarele arzator de afara.
Status messenger: blank.
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: uu, Georgiana imediat ce nu mai e idle. :-l
Citesc: umm, nothing, caut ceva.
Ma gandesc la: am o groaza de idei, nu stiu ce sa scriu.
Dating: -
Doresc: uuu, o tableta grafica. 105
Iubesc pe: prea lunga lista.
Nervoasa pe: no one at all.
Urasc pe: idem.
Imi lipseste: adrenalina. 39
Abia astept sa: primesc tableta, ma inscriu la liceu. D:
[font=times new roman]You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.

Mood: tired, de o luna sunt obosita, grr.
Status: -
Locatie: acasa, in pat invelita cu o paturica roz pufoasa.
Mananc: deocamdata nimic, dar as vrea un sen'vis cu cascaval, salam si o bucatica de salata verde.
Beau: am baut un pahar cu lapte si ciocolata, acum o sa beau apa toata ziua, asta in caz daca nu ies pe afara unde o sa imi iau ori un energizant ori o doza de Fanta.
Sunt imbracata in: o camasa de noapte, in curand in blugi si un tricou pentru a iesi pe afara, cred.
Ascult: televizorul meu si cel din sufragerie, e dat prea tare, d'oh.
Privesc: laptopul, camera, patul.
Status messenger: -
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: Ang., femeia asta ma dispera <3.
Citesc: Gestapo, dar am luat o pauza de la ea ca mi-e lene sa o continui si cam atat.
Ma gandesc la: vacanta, chiar daca deja o am inca ma gandesc la ea, vreau ceva interesant, pana acum... NADA! -.-
Dating: pe la 5 cred, dar neh, cine stie.
Doresc: sa am un urs pufos mai mare decat mine si sa pot conduce, dar mai am 4 ani pana atunci, hahaha.
Iubesc pe: toata lumea, toata lumea.
Nervoasa pe: nimeni, chiar nimeni, hihi.
Urasc pe: nimeni, nimeni, nimeni.
Imi lipseste: putina distractie.
Abia astept sa: stau si sa ma plimb cat timp beau o doza de suc.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Mood: been better, been worse
Status: lonely
Locatie: at my desk, right near the open window, hoping for a chilly breeze
Mananc: nothing for the moment, I had lunch an hour ago and I am not hungry
Beau: should go get some water, but the kitchen seems to far away
Sunt imbracata in: a nice blue-ish dress
Ascult: Serenity - All lights reversed. I discovered them yesterday and can't stop listening to them
Privesc: the last ten minutes of Rizzoli and Isels. OMG this so heartbreaking
Status messenger: I am not in the mood for messenger right now
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: ^
Citesc: Lord Edgware Dies, by Agatha Christie. Oh, this woman is so amazing
Ma gandesc la: my weird dream that saddened me terribly. Sometimes I wish I'd just stop dreaming, because knowing that something that beautiful could never come true is killing me
Dating: nah, I have scheduled a shopping session with my mum, but I don't consider that dating
Doresc: to finally start learning German, to go to a concert in Vienna, move to Vienna, dye my hair read or purple, buy some more CDs.
Iubesc pe: my Metallica CDs, Serenity, Austria, my own intelligence
Nervoasa pe: my own laziness that doesn't let my awesome intelligence shine
Urasc pe: right now, nobody. I don't care about anyone enough for that.
Imi lipseste: courage, beauty, money
Abia astept sa: go to the sea side, write the story I've started one year ago, go swimming, buy a new swimsuit.
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
~Florence + The Machine

Mood: Tired and severely hungry
Status: Single, but promised
Locatie: Behind the desk at work
Mananc: I wish I were! I'm absolutely starving and craving cooked food
Beau: Coffee... lots of coffee...
Sunt imbracata in: Red horrid work vest and beige pants
Ascult: Katrina... something somthing - Love shine a light, itunes stuff
Privesc: Spaced out, can't wait to get home for god's sake!
Status messenger: / am at work, dummy
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: /
Citesc: Nightfall - Isaac Asimov <3
Ma gandesc la: Working two jobs tomorrow and food, food, food... and I want a cigarette. And my wonderful holiday: 27 October - 15 November - Transatlantic and 5 days in Florida <3
Dating: My dinner, hopefully in about 4 hours T.T gosh...
Doresc: Get home already, leave this job, take a shower, get food, read?
Iubesc pe: Mada, Aly and my mystery man
Nervoasa pe: Coral Bay Divers staff! Jurg and Angela are just ugh... But the new boy Jack makes me laugh like hell! "Do your best Sean Connery accent!" "Crrrraig!" Ahaha, cute guy.
Urasc pe: My headache and hunger!
Imi lipseste: A day off! Don't remember the last day that I wasn't at work or didn't have an exam!
Abia astept sa: Leave CBD, day off, Mada, America <3
[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


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