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Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
pwp sistaaaaaa
*hug hug hug*
:pulpfiction: |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
10-04-2015, 02:01 PM |
Subiectul: Death Parade
Răspunsul: RE: Death Parade
Initial m-a atras grafica, fara sa stiu mare lucru despre plot. Acum ca l-am terminat, pot spune ca a fost foarte cool. In general seriile de 12 episoade nu au personaje cu personalitati dezvoltate sa... |
Stormrage |
2 |
3.537 |
10-04-2015, 09:22 AM |
Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
alin aka gaylin
:pulpfiction: |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
10-04-2015, 08:58 AM |
Subiectul: Dedicatie Muzicala
Răspunsul: RE: Dedicatie Muzicala
For @Syryus |
Stormrage |
83 |
47.103 |
31-03-2015, 10:42 PM |
Subiectul: Dedicatie Muzicala
Răspunsul: RE: Dedicatie Muzicala
pentru vremea de afara si pentru @"Solomon Grundy"
_______________________________ |
Stormrage |
83 |
47.103 |
20-03-2015, 04:53 PM |
Subiectul: Dedicatie Muzicala
Răspunsul: RE: Dedicatie Muzicala
Not really for Dalorius, unless you feel like there's no place for no hero :canttouchthis: |
Stormrage |
83 |
47.103 |
19-03-2015, 06:02 PM |
Subiectul: Theme Song-ul vietii voastre
Răspunsul: RE: Theme Song-ul vietii voastre
Ahaaahaaa, nice topic.
bonus [/spoiler] |
Stormrage |
10 |
6.841 |
19-03-2015, 05:51 PM |
Subiectul: Guess the character [Cospaly Version]
Răspunsul: RE: Guess the character [Cospaly Version]
Snake-san din Kuroshitsuji :canttouchthis: |
Stormrage |
119 |
68.585 |
19-03-2015, 05:18 PM |
Subiectul: Guess the anime screenshot
Răspunsul: RE: Guess the anime screenshot
SHINICHIIIIIIIII din Nodame Catabile (oh sweet childhood) |
Stormrage |
Anime Forum Games
514 |
313.758 |
19-03-2015, 05:00 PM |
Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
___________________________________________________ |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
19-03-2015, 10:09 AM |
Subiectul: East European Comic Con
Răspunsul: RE: East European Comic Con
Is Hodor coming anymore or he lost his way somewhere in Dorne again?
_____________________ |
Stormrage |
East European Comic Con
9 |
6.979 |
23-02-2015, 11:15 PM |
Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
23-02-2015, 04:18 PM |
Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
dah, prescurtarea prescurt????rii |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
22-02-2015, 02:06 PM |
Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
oh, tu nu crezi in multe, din cate imi aduc aminte
ly |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
20-02-2015, 11:40 PM |
Subiectul: Llama drama
Răspunsul: RE: Llama drama
ex machina, quite the real mvp |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
1.019 |
309.498 |
19-02-2015, 04:11 PM |
Subiectul: Ce parere aveti despre Animezup ?
Răspunsul: RE: Ce parere aveti despre Animezup ?
eu am facut descrierile :pulpfiction:
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Stormrage |
Nou veniti
131 |
129.789 |
10-02-2015, 10:58 PM |
Subiectul: Salutare tuturor !:D
Răspunsul: RE: Salutare tuturor !:D
Oh, Dobby, Dobby... *bro hug* Mate-info, intensiv, I feel you bruh
Need anything, don't hesitate to ask the oldies *cough* me *cough* si spor la anime!
may the :llama: be with jew
ja ne :pu... |
Stormrage |
Nou veniti
13 |
7.069 |
28-09-2014, 10:08 PM |
Subiectul: Rate the song v3.
Răspunsul: RE: Rate the song v3.
Imi aduce aminte de Thousand Foot Krutch, are versuri interesante, but it won't wake the demonic music hunter in me. Imi place cum canta tipul, are o voce interesanta; nu stiu daca speciala sau ceva, ... |
Stormrage |
190 |
126.315 |
22-08-2014, 03:56 PM |
Subiectul: Pozele userilor 3
Răspunsul: RE: Pozele userilor 3
Liaa, cu parul drept arat ca yomiko din rod (unless you count the hair's colour :)))
btw, I wanted to meet you :( fml, mi-ai promis si o iesire la scuba :( |
Stormrage |
Spam Alley
63 |
57.995 |
22-08-2014, 03:19 PM |
Subiectul: Rate the song v3.
Răspunsul: RE: Rate the song v3.
Imi plac versurile, e o melodie sensibila pe un fundal dur. Nu stiu ce sa zic, impune un amalgam de sentimente. Vocea tipului nu ma impresioneaza, but if he has a beard, I might give them an 8.5. "May... |
Stormrage |
190 |
126.315 |
21-08-2014, 11:44 PM |