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Sunt de acord pana la un anumit nivel, nu mai e universal valabil de la cel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, pentru ca Voltaire -saracul mort de mai bine de jumatate de secol inainte- cand a afirmat ca revolutia implica progresul se referea si la evolutie in sensul de realizare, de introspectie, pe cand bomba atomica a fost mai mult decat o zgaltaitura si mai putin decat un progres fabulos. Poate ca nu am rabdare la ora asta sa intru in detalii, filosofia oricum nu a fost niciodata punctul meu forte. 8

Sper ca nu se supara nimeni daca urmatorul citat e in engleza, in caz ca e o problema, pot schimba ^^:

"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom" - Isaac Asimov
Destul de fain citatul. Chiar imi place. E destul de adevarat si cred ca asta va fi problema omenirii mereu, dar asta se intampla pentru ca societatea e formata din oameni si oamenii invata foarte greu. Deci cred ca o sa-i dau un 9.5

Next: "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it's wrong. No matter how fast the light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first and it's waiting for it." Terry Pratchet
OMG, Terry Pratchett, this be mine I tell you!

Well considering even before the creation of Universe darkness was a more than an antithetic statement of light, meaning it is the basis of light's existence, the fond on which we observe it in the first place. Light needs to travel to be seen, darkness is ever present.

Or something of the like. 10

"When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not." - Mark Twain
Ha ha ha, ironia.

Stiu ca era un topic pe un anume raposat forum unde pusesem si eu citatul asta la notat. Inca de cand l-am citit prima oara - aka acum o suta de ani - mi-a ramas intiparit pe creier, pentru ca este... Habar nu am. Amuzant si tragic in acelasi timp. Acel "orice" capata un sens dublu - as in, copil fiind, iti lasi imaginatia sa o ia pe campii cu floricele si toata lumea stie ce se intampla. Insa, daca e vorba sa ne gandim la tinerete, minciuna ia, mai degraba, locul imaginatiei...

Nu stiu, imi place; ma reprezinta. Trist. Nota 10.

De fiinta care ne este cea mai draga ne temem cel mai mult. (Pascal Bruckner)
Pentru mine e cat se poate de adevarat, e o frica acolo, constanta, care iti bantuie subconstientul si de mult ori iese la suprafata sub forma geloziei sau a tristetii sau a insigurantei. Mi-e frica sa pierd persoana respectiva si fericirea si senzatia de apartenenta la lumea asta in momentul in care nu va mai fi langa mine. Imi e frica sa ma simt iar incompleta intr-un fel. 9.5

"We can never know what to want, because, living one life, we can neither compare it with our previous lives, nor perfect it in the lives to come." - Milan Kundera
Hmm, asta e destul de interesanta, si de asemenea, adevarata.
Dar cred ca...pana la urma la asta se reduce farmecul vietii (in cazul in care are unul), ups and downs, learning the mistake you've done and then do it again. Hah, sunt prea masochista ca sa nu imi placa.
9 cred

Any man's death diminishes me becouse i'm involved in mankind--> John Donne
21 Funny, printre altele, asta am zis si eu, dupa un studiu amanuntit al Sfintei Scripturi, ofc. 10, anti-cre(s)tinism and shit--> me likes.

Words are loaded pistols - Jean-Paul Sartre
That reminds of Eddie Izzard's words: 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people and monkey do too, if they have a gun'.

There's actually a point up until I agree with the quote at hand, if played skilfully one's words can be very sharp and can do a lot of harm. They're very powerful tools, especially in the hands of politicians. Let's just say it's better if we stick to: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'. 8

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood. - George Carlin
Hell yea, Sunt de acord in totalitate 43
This guy, George Carlin is absolutely my tipe21
So i agree with him. I would never want to be a member of that kind of group... Poate daca da boala mintala in mine mai rau decat in prezent si ma fac maicuta... who knows?21 whatever, "boala" mea nu e una care duce la chestii de genul ala24 sub nicio forma!21 poate daca era "I would want to be a member of a group whose symbol were two guys naked." 'cuz that what yaoi is for 19
Ok, i agree with George:] never did, never will >.> 10. Cu plus!
This quote is from a movie (e un serial actually39)
If you don't earn respect when you're alive, you don't deserve it when you're dead. (By Brian Kinney 105)
Citat:Let's just say it's better if we stick to: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'.
Ar fii mai bine dar asta e...atat de, neadevarat 10

Ontopic: De parca te incalzeste cu ceva, respectul in mormand. Plus, mai mereu se merge pe principiu "De morti, numai de bine" so...
6--> Singurul motiv pentru nota asta marisoara este datorita faptului ca B.K avea alt citat pe care, il indragesc.

Omul este singurul animal care refuza sa fie ceea ce este. - Albert Camus
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