Animezup - forum manga si anime

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avt-stai,ce sunt eu ?nu inteleg
sig:eu sunt visele tale,cele mai intunecate,ai ajuns in lumea mea 21

avatar: I'm gonna kick ur ass, scary thing!

sig: Nu ma dau la o parte!
avt: :eto: what is this again?
sig: smels nice...
Yaiba 5

Av~"OmgWtf!!! the most terrifyin thing...i've ever seen"
sig1:"-evil smirk-,watch me know,it's the last thing u'll see"
sig2:"who are you and why are you glaring?"
sig3:"ain't i cute or what?" 24))) lewl


avatar - mwhahaha i`m evil...[uitandu-se la un cuplu ce-si petrec noaptea nuntii]

sig 1 - put u`r hand under my shirt NOW 45

sig 2 - i`m sorry...
Avt:lipseste cu desavarsite 24
sig:ce frumoasa e luna plina,si cerul instelat 10
Avatar>nu-i asa ca sunt frumoasa?Zi da sau ramai fara unghii!
Sign>Trei chipuri,trei sunt EU cea adevarata?
Ja Ne!
Avatar:"ok,look at me one more time and i'll mop the floor with ur face!!!"
Signature:"You can't possibly understand what power flows in me right stay away or u will die"
(suna mai bn in engleza si d aia am zis asa :-b )
Avatar>haha...don't mess with me.Don't make me kill you.
Sign>My name is...Zangestsu!Biakuya...die!
Lye 78
Avt: hei,i`m the most strong of here,so i am the boss.
sig: you do`nt understand,i am the boss,so go to work right now n_n
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