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Vad ca suntem ceva INFPisti pe acilea. Am facut testul de 5 ori in ultimii ani, pe site-uri diferite si de fiecare data mi-a iesit INFP. Macar la acest capitol sunt constanta.

Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type, but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

Yep, primesc o doza babana de energie si inspiratie cand am de-a face cu persoane pe aceeasi lungime de unda, persoane care chiar daca nu ma inteleg intru totul, macar isi dau silinta.
Rezultatul este INTJ .Intr0adevar , descrierea la acest tip mi se potriveste foarte mult .De obicei evit sa fac testuri de genul dar asta m-a nimerit ca sa zic asa. Probabil ca rezultatul e mai apropiat de realitate la acest test pentru ca poti "grada" ca sa zic asa raspunsul , cand esti nesigur ce sa raspunzi poti lasa punctul la mijloc (something between agree and dissagree).Majoritatea testelor de personalitate care au ca raspunsuri doar anumite variante gen "yes or not" sau anumite raspunsuri te tenteaza sa minti , sa trisezi, sa nu fii sincer si de aceea iese un rezultat diferit de realitate ,cred eu .
Aparent sunt INFJ, si aparent sunt si numai in 1% din populatie.
Citat:INFJs tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all.

Citat:INFJs find it easy to make connections with others, and have a talent for warm, sensitive language, speaking in human terms, rather than with pure logic and fact. It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extroverted types, but they would all do well to remember that INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw.

well, that's 95% true so it really suits me.

PS: obisnuiesc sa ma poreclesc singura "Maica Teresa", se pare ca acum am si un motiv.
Am facut testul acum mult timp. Am dat de el intamplator cand citeam pe internet despre Jung.
Mi s-a parut destul de interesant, desi parca nu se mai termina.

Rezultatul meu a fost :
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