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18 ani, Jey, locuiesc in Romania. Fan anime / manga, ascult hip hop, kpop si rock. Sunt o persoana destul de deschisa zic eu. Vreau sa merg in Corea de Sud & imi plac pisicile si pestii, don't be afraid to ask questions si ma voi ocupa exclusiv de Fan Fiction.
[edit] quit playing with the thread aly. that was not my idea of a topic title thank you


And it was mine! What can I when your account is kinda... destroyed? LOL.
Indeed it is, beautiful, but even if I got some issues I will try to do something about it. Nonetheless I try also not to spam anything but since you are doing it...
Well stick those pointy shoes in here 'cause this means LLAMA!

/boing boing boing

Jay, sunt singura de 9 luni, ai prietena? Sunt fierbinte, ard in flacari, pentru tine, stii prea bine.
@Arya Suna bine, but I saw a really nice guy recently. Ai competitie, chiar doresti ?
Sunt deschisa pentru orice fel de relatie, imi construiesc un harem acum cu mai multe orientari. Sunt sigura ca pot face fata competitiei. Sa iti zica Daria ce shmexy sunt eu. Stai sa vezi cand imi pun ochelarii de secretara focoasa si cizmele negre cu toc.

I can handle you toy boy.
Toate tipele fierbinti de pe forum-ul asta se bat pe Jey 15.
Edit: avem un harem mare, mare, mare, mare, Lia ne conduce pe toate, mwahahahha 15.


LMAO.I'm spamming, do something to me!

Stop thinking in a kinky way you faggot! and sex addicts.
I had a colleague tell me by mistake: can you do me?, instead of can you do something for me 24

Jey, ce te pasioneaza iubire? /flirting mood on
Citat:Stop thinking in a kinky way you faggot!
Im gonna kick your ass, ea a inceput 24 eu am fost cuminte si ele se bat pe mine. Baieti nu aveti asa ca ma multumesc cu tipele. Arya is my girl type.
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