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Versiunea completă: Beyond Birthday
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Beyond Birthday (also known as Rue Ryuzaki/B, BB) was the 2nd child taken in at Wammy's House, in an attempt to create a successor for L, and was the serial killer behind the Los Angeles BB Murder Case.

Beyond Birthday has never appeared in the manga, anime, or film series to date, but the BB Case was briefly alluded to in both manga and anime. He was born with Shinigami Eyes, which allowed him to see and know when exactly people around him would die, as well as knowing their full names. He uses this ability to pick his victims and kill them when they would have been destined to die. It is unknown how he could have possibly been born with the eyes, though Mello wonders if a Shinigami dropped its eyeballs to Earth (instead of a Death Note). Some have claimed that Beyond Birthday is a cannibal, but this is only a rumor. The novel did not say anything about him eating his victims' remains. Though this could be true, further information has yet to be revealed. During the investigation of the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases with Naomi Misora, B is described to have jars filled with strawberry jam in the victim's fridge. Some people also speculate that similar to L and Mello's craving for sweets, Beyond Birthday craves strawberry jam. However, he was only said to have eaten an entire jar one time in Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases and Naomi Misora never witnessed him doing so again, though she herself wondered about the same thing. It is possible that his love of sweets during the entire time with Naomi Misora was a charade as well. Although mentioned only once in the book, it is also implied that Beyond Birthday practices laughing quite often. Also, it is interesting to note that his laughter is referred to by Mello as a "Shinigami's laugh."

Note: Beyond Birthday exists as a character in the novel "Another Note." The events from this canon Death Note novel occur before the storylines of both the manga and anime.
Little is known about B, though he and A (real name unknown) were the first two children in line to succeed L. The pressure of Wammy's House proved to be too great for A,which caused A to commit suicide, while B wound up running away at some point.

His whereabouts remained unknown from May 2002 to the beginning of the story, L having tracked cases around the world to search for him. Beyond Birthday came up with a plan to surpass L, as the "World's Greatest Criminal", giving L a case that B hoped he would be unable to solve.
Beyond Birthday's first known victim was the freelance writer Believe Bridesmaid, whom he killed July 31st, 2002, after drugging him and then choking him with a rope. Four Wara Ningyo (straw dolls) were left at the crime scene, and in post-mortem mutilation, Bridesmaid's chest was slashed several times; the killer also took the time to re-dress him. When looking at the autopsy photos, Naomi Misora found that the wounds were made to resemble letters (in actuality, a Roman numeral code spelling out the name of the next victim).
Quarter Queen

The second murder happened four days later, on August 4th. The victim, Quarter Queen (a 13-year-old girl), was also drugged before her death, the cause of which was blunt force trauma to her skull. Her eyes were also crushed in further post-mortem mutilation. Three Wara Ningyo were left at the scene of the crime.

Backyard Bottomslash

The third killing happened nine days after Quarter Queen's murder. Backyard Bottomslash was a 28-year-old bank worker who had also been drugged before her death, though her age fell in-between those of the previous two victims (44 and 13). This happened when Beyond Birthday wanted to find out if a human can die of an internal hemorrhage without rupturing any organs. Beyond Birthday conducted this experiment by drugging and then beating Backyard Bottomslash's left arm without breaking the skin. When this did not work, her death was caused by loss of blood, with her right leg and left arm cut off. The right leg was discovered in the bathtub later. The left arm was taken by Beyond Birthday. Two Wara Ningyo were found nailed to the walls in a similar manner to the other two cases.


On August 22nd, Naomi arrives at the location where the next BB murder will be committed, and comes to realize that Rue Ryuzaki, the mysterious private investigator she has been working with, isn't what he seems. After figuring out several clues, she finds that Ryuzaki is in fact Beyond Birthday, and that the final murder is actually his attempted suicide. She manages to stop B from burning himself to death, and arrests him.

A year and a half later, on January 21st 2004, Beyond Birthday dies of a heart attack in prison, presumably one of the many criminals killed by Kira. (If the events of this novel are canon to the anime as well, he would have died in 2007).


Throughout the novel, the reader is initially unaware that Rue Ryuzaki, whom Misora thought of as just some suspicious young man, is Beyond Birthday. Readers are led to believe that he is L in person. This is because of his mannerisms and description (black hair, dark bags beneath the eyes, bad posture, love for sweets, and sitting position). It is in fact BB pretending to be L, using his acting skills to pass as a copy of the L he possibly knew or heard about. He had obviously never seen L totally in person, given the fact that he did not know L's lifespan or real name. The undisguised Beyond Birthday is mentioned at points in the novel.

Due to his resemblance to L, it is unknown if the artwork featured in DN:Another Note is Beyond Birthday or L. Some fans believe it to be L, especially since he does not have red eyes, which the fans have begun to connect with Shinigami Eyes. However, it was mentioned in the manga that it is impossible for a human to see if another human has "The Eyes" or not, making Shinigami Eyes appear normal.

Others have pointed out that it is unlikely that there would be two protagonists in the artwork, as opposed to the protagonist as well as the antagonist. In addition to that, there is a distinguishable "B" in between the two characters, implying that the character may very well in fact be Beyond Birthday. However, there is no way of knowing until it is either confirmed or denied by Tsugumi Ohba or Takeshi Obata. His natural eye color is unknown, though the general assumption is that he wears grey contacts to further disguise himself as L.

Nu e asa ca e interesant?Tu ce parere ai?
Sorry,e in engleza10
Te descurci tu10 Daca nu-ti convine sau nu te intereseaza poti citi altceva.Sa nu vad bla bla-uri pe aici,n-am chef sa citesc comentariile prostilor care critica.Clar?
Cei interesati sa comenteze.
Cred ca povestea este interesanta,dar cam infioratoare.Oricum interesanta...un dublu malefic al lui L...e o idee...Si misterul ochilor de shinigami e incitant.Poate e o incrucisare de shinigami cu un om produsa in cine stie ce moment unic-magic sau mai stiu eu cum.
Interesant oricum.Mi-ar placea sa citesc romanul!
Am fost o fana a lui BB de mult timp, chiar inainte sa citesc cartea. Pe care nici acum nu am terminat-o. In fine, cititnd mi-am dat seama ca are o personalitate unica. Un nebun. Aspectul lui foarte asemanator cu a marelui detectiv L dar totusi atat de diferit. Ce, nu ma credeti? Beyond Birthday cel putin se pieptana. Imi amintesc un moment, chiar la inceput cand Mello spunea ca intr-un fel sau altul l-a simpatizat pe BB. Oare? Din ce am dedus trebuie sa fi fost buni prieteni. Incep sa ma intreb daca nu e American? Altfel nu imi explic de ce se intamplau toate crimele in Los Angeles. Japonez cu sigunranta nu era. In concluzie, BB e personajul meu preferat din Death Note. Foarte bine conturat, chit ca e nebun dar asa e el. Am inceput sa-l indragesc si mai mult dupa toata faza cu DeadxEndxLess. Am palavragit destul ^^ Inca nu-mi vine sa cred ca era un topic ca asta aici.
*evil laugh* Pentru fanii lui L (deci implicit a lui BB ),puteti citi Another Note: L.A. BB Murder Case aici :
"I'll give you the strawberry if you keep it secret" 4
Si urmeaza parerea mea: Daca esti fan a lui L esti fan BB sau cel putin asa se aplica la mine ... Ati incercat vreodata sa rezolvati un quiz pe net sa vedeti daca sunteti la fel de nebun ca BB ? Eu sunt 100% , deci no comment.My favourite character in all the story and the one that fits me best . 19
Ok...sunt momentan la inceput si pot sa spun ca m-a impresionat modul de relatare a lui Mello,atat de direct si de simplu de inteles chiar si pe engleza.Cel mai cute moment a fost cand Misora a inceput sa caute sub pat si a dat de ... o mana ! Da...intai te gandesti la un cadavru dupa care vine si adauga ca mai iasa o mana de sub pat.Nu stiu de ce dar m-am gandit direct la The Grudge...filmul acela cu fantoma care moare oribil si poarta ura celor care intra in casa ei.Cam asa ceva,doar ca in camera "lui". Deci prima impresie a fost probabil cea adevarata de "scary psycho killer with a creepy smile".That's so cute !!!
Nu stiu daca L banuia ceva cand a intrbat-o pe Misora "Is he cool?" sau de unde stia L ca a patra crima va avea loc peste inca ceva zile,dar sper ca apare Mello si ma lamureste.
"Beyond the limit!" cam atat se poate spune momentan.Pana acum este interesant,dar sper sa devina si mai interesant si inspaimantator,daca se poate.
Citesc de 4 ore si nu ma pot dezlipi de calculator.Il recomand toturor fanilor Death Note,iubitorilor de thriller si mistery si dupa ce termin cartea,mai las un comment...See ya soon!
Cand am auzit ca exista o nuvela Death Note, adica relativ recent din pacate - mai exact acum cateva luni -, am trecut imediat la cautari. Asadar, nuvela Another note - LA BB Murder Case mi s-a parut destul de buna in ciuda asteptarilor mele destul de slabe. Sa fiu sincera nu m-as fi gandit ca vor crea un scenariu atat de sucit pe alocuri.

La inceput nu am stiut ca cel pe care Naomi Misora il gaseste sub pat este chiar cel care-si spune Beyond Birthday, fiind prezentat cititorului ca o copie fidela a lui L, chiar el prezentandu-se cu pseudonimul pe care L l-a adaptat in timpul investigatiei lui Kira de mai tarziu - Rue Ryuuzaki. Chiar si ticurile, ideile, replicile pareau identice, insa treptat diferentele, desi extrem de minore incep sa se simta, iar copia ramane in final doar o copie, indiferent de calitatea acesteia.

Investigatia cazurilor si indiciile lasate in mod special de BB pareau direct adresate rivalul sau etern, cel pe care si-a jurat sa-l intreaca intr-o zi - L. Asadar, conform spuselor povestitorului, majoritatea copiilor de la orfelinatul Wammy's House au incercat sa devina L, Mello si Near ajungand pe cat de aproape posibil de acel ideal prestabilit, insa BB avea alte dorinte, dorea sa-l intreaca, dorea ca dintr-o simpla rezerva sa devina cel care a depasit originalul. Astfel si-a propus sa creeze un caz imposibil de rezolvat a carui ultima victima avea sa fie chiar el, BB, ca o ultima lovitura de gratie impotriva celui mai bun detectiv din lume.

Este adevarat ca m-a fascinat caracterul lui Beyond Birthday, precum si faptul ca acesta avea abilitatea de a vedea numele si datele mortii tuturor oamenilor inca de la o varsta foarte frageda. Imi pot doar imagina ce fel de impact poate avea acest lucru asupra mintii inca necizelate a unui copil. Sa traiesti constant cu ideea ca stii cat vor mai avea de trait proprii tai parinti, colegii tai, prietenii tai... Asa ca in egala masura il compatimesc pe BB. Nu-l pot numi personajul meu preferat si nici nu doresc sa-l compar cu L, insa consider ca finalul i s-a potrivit din plin, doarece nimeni nu are dreptul sa ia viata unui om, indiferent ca aceasta avea oricum sa moara in acea zi si la acea ora sau nu.

Cu toate aceastea, nu l-am detestat, chiar mi-a parut sincer rau de el, asa cum mi-a parut rau si de cel caruia i se spune A si care a fost crescut dupa criteriul acelorasi rigori - de a deveni L -, rigori pe care insa nu le-a putut accede, iar din cauza presiunii neincetate de fi altcineva, a ajuns sa-si ia viata. Asadar, este intr-o oarecare masura si vina celor care conduceau orfelinatul, cel putin la nivel moral.