Si uite ca avem inca un episod Bleach , gata de vizionat pentru pasionati .
Episodul de saptamana ( ep 153 ) asta se numeste
"The Devilish Research!Syazel Aporro’s Plan" si poate fi downloadat de pe site-ul oficial
Dattebayo .
![[Imagine: 153fo5.jpg]](
Episodul nr.154 intitulat
"Rukia and Kaien, the Sorrowful Reunion" a fost subbed si poate fi downloadat de la urmatorii :
- Flomp-Fansubs
- Dattebayo
Also a little
headline ond Dattebayo's site .
To troll or not to troll !?!?!?
Enjoy !!! :36:
Episodul nr.155 din seria Bleach a fost subbed de Dattebayo si poate fi luat de pe
site-ul oficial .
Numele episodului este
"Rukia Retaliates! Release the Desperate Kidou" .
Enjoy !!! :36:
Episodul nr. 156 din seria Bleach a fost subtitrat si poate fi downloadat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo
- Flomp Fansub
Titlu :
"Ishida & Pesshe, the United Attack of Friendship?"
Enjoy !!! :36:
Episodul nr.157 a fost subbed de Dattebayo si poate fi luat de pe
site-ul oficial .
Numele episodului :
"Ishida's Trump Card, Seele Schneider"
Enjoy !!! :36:
Cu o oarecare intarziere , anunt ca a aparut episodul cu numarul 158 din Bleach , intitulat sugestiv
"Right Arm of the Giant, Left Arm of the Devil".
Episodul poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo
- FlompFansub
Tip : Aveti nevoie de un client de tip BitTorrent . Also , daca luati de pe Dattebayo , ei bine exista o versiune v2 a episodului 158 , cu o claritate mai buna si cateva erori din subs au fost corectate .
Plotline : With his full power unleashed, Chad easily dominates Gantenbainne Mosqueda in their battle. When Gantenbainne releases his zanpakutō to match up, Chad reveals that his left arm also has armor: the right arm is only meant to defend. His left arm, meant for attack, is known as Brazo Izquierda del Diablo. Once again more than a match for Gantenbainne, Chad easily defeats him, and in return for helping him to realize his potential, he lets Gantenbainne live. However, his victory is short-lived as Nnoitra Jiruga arrives at the scene, seemingly unfazed by Chad's attacks.
Enjoy !!!:36:
Si tot cu ceva intarziere apar si eu cu un link de unde cei, care nu sunt fani torrente sa il poata lua sau sa il vizioneze online.
Just click me
Nu mai am ce sa zic despre acest episod decat ca e destul de interesant, in rest aflati cam tot din postul lui Kronos.
Episodul 159 din Bleach a iesit, este intitulat :
Sado Yasutora dies! Orihime's Tears si poate fi luat de aici:
sau de aici:
Click me este si varianta de direct download!
Episodul 160 din Bleach este gata subbed si poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo
- Flomp-Fansub
Episodul de saptamana asta poarta numele de
"Testament - Your Heart is Right Here" .
Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de tip BitTorrent ( Bitcomet , Utorrent etc )
Plotline :
Overwhelmed by Aaroniero's released form, as well as the realization that he possesses Kaien's actual body, Rukia is impaled through the stomach. She flashes back to her training with Kaien, where he told her about how a person's heart is held by those they are close to. Regaining her resolve, she uses her zanpakutō's third dance to impale the ninth Espada through his upper skull. As Aaroniero dies, she compares Orihime's current situation to her own when she was a prisoner in Soul Society. Though she attempts to keep moving, her injuries get the better of her and she collapses.
Online streaming :
- Bleach 160 ( Stormberry )
Enjoy !!!
Episodul 161 din Bleach este gata subbed si poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo
- Flomp-Fansub
Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste
"The Cruel Arrancar, Ulquiorra's Provocation".
Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de BitTorrent cum ar fi
BitComet sau
Utorrent .
Plotline :
Szayel Aporro explains to Renji that the room they are in has nullified his bankai. He reveals that he gatehered the data using parasites stored in the body of his brother, Yylfordt Granz. With only his shikai, Renji cannot manage to harm Szayel. Meanwhile, Ulquiorra appears before Ichigo to inform him of Rukia's death. Ichigo attempts to leave, but Ulquiorra goads him into fighting by revealing that it was he who brought Orihime to Hueco Mundo.
Enjoy !!!:36: