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Llama drama

Ca deh tot isi trase staff-ul topic de drame macar sa aibe si userii topic de drame asa ca... in spiritul vechilor topicuri de llama drama, let the drama begin!

llama drama? what is that? did i miss something while i was gone in la la land?

(04-05-2013, 12:02 AM)FallenAngel A scris: llama drama? what is that? did i miss something while i was gone in la la land?

This, my friend, is the glorious Llama Drama.
[Imagine: tumblr_lv3rziB5Jg1qcnuye.gif]

yup! ceva ce s-a intamplat cand eu am fost data disparuta de pe site. MS Sky pentru lamurire.3 Llama drama, huh?24)

Multaa dramaaaaaa.

Deci ce mai faceti?
[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]

Here's a Llama, there's a Llama, and another little :Llama:
Fuzzy :Llama:, Funny :Llama:, Llama Llama duck

Llama, llama, cheesecake, llama, tablet, brick, potato llama, llama llama, mushroom llama, llama llama duck

I was once a treehouse, i lived in a cake,
though i never saw the way, the orange slayed the rake,
i was only three years dead, but it told a tale
and now listen, little child, to the safety rail

Have you ever seen a llama, kiss a llama, on a llama
llama's llama, tastes of llama, llama llama duck

half a llama, twice a llama, not a llama, farmer llama
llama in a car, alarm a llama llama duck

is it how it's told now? is it all so old?
is it made of lemon juice? doorknob, ankle, cold
now my song is getting thin, i've run out of luck!
time for me to retire now, and become a duck
[Imagine: tumblr_lv3rziB5Jg1qcnuye.gif]

ioi, ma apuca iar sughitul si n-am ce-i face. ma uit la un playthrough de SCP sperand ca ma voi speria ca sa-mi treaca, dar nimic momentan. drama de drama...
[Imagine: nDIKwXJ.png]

Eu momentan frec menta prin casa ca sunt racita cobza si nu pot iesi afara si am fost data afara din bucatarie de mama si mamaie ca dadeam iama prin cozonaci.

LASA COZONACII DOMNISOARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!

De ce? 2 Vreau cozonac cald...

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