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[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

Yay! Gosick! <3 E una din seriile anime pe care am urmarit-o cu placere cap-coada. Personajele sunt bine conturate, grafica este una placuta, muzica aleasa bine, iar povestea m-a captivat pe tot parcursul ei, ba chiar m-a facut un pic teary-eyed (ceea ce rar se intampla! Angel Beats a mai reusit asta...don't judge X_X). Recomand si eu Gosick si sper sa va placa!
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

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