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Despre poezii si versuri preferate

Am vazut ca exista destul de multa activitate in sectiunea de poezie a forumului nostru, asa ca nu am putut sa nu ma intreb ce poeti sunt preferati printre voi. E drept ca nu asta mi-a fost primul gand cand am vrut sa deschid topicul, voiam sa fie mai mult o colectie de poeme preferate si o sansa de a descoperi noi poeti sau noi opere prin recomandarile celorlalti, dar pana la urma de ce sa nu fie doi in unu si sa nu deschidem un dialog?

Asadar, care sunt poetii vostri preferati? Care dintre operele lor va impresioneaza cel mai mult?
Cititi mai multa poezie in raport cu proza? Ce va atrage sau ce nu va atrage la aceasta?
Si, desigur, simtiti-va liber sa postati versuri si poezii preferate oricand, in orice limba, de oricate ori va doreste inima. Mie una mi se pare o ocazie excelenta sa mai descoperim si noi autori carora poate nu le-am dat pana acum vreo sansa sau de care poate nu am auzit inca.

Voi incepe eu cu ultima parte pentru moment, si anume cu o poezie pe care mi-am gasit-o prin draft-urile de pe tumblr, care imi place muuult de tot si care apartine user-ului "ink-trails" (nu e un poet consacrat, si totusi am gasit pana acum acolo bloguri de poezie care m-au inspirat mult mai mult decat respectivii deja atat de cunoscuti):

"You know, they should tell us that love stains
so we make sure not to wear the light clothing
that is transparent right to our cores because
now no amount of laundry detergent or bleach
can wash you out of my chest and you're just
a constant reminder of something that went wrong
like a defected pen or a bad day at lunch
and if they had told me that you were going
to be as permanent as drunk tattoos,
I would have taken a sharpie and slashed
across my heart in big bold letters that spelled

- Love Stains and You Can't Wash a Heart
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

Mda, Tumblr poate sa devina deep uneori cand nu e nevoie de asta dar de obicei reusesti sa gasesti cateva versuri, cateva strofe ce te lasa pe ganduri la modul cel mai serios. Imi place ideea aceasta, de a aduna aceasta arta rebela intr-un loc. Am si eu cateva exemple, chiar daca poate nu toate au autori pentru ca nu i-am gasit, unele au dar vreau sa scot in evidenta ideea poeziei mai mult decat autorul. Sorry daca nu e chiar ce ti-ai dorit.
Prima ar fi aceasta.

The sun inside of him
rages like wildfire
and he is
and he is
scorching the skin of my heart,
yet still he pretends
that he is safe for me to love,
that his hands are gentle,
that his fingerprints won't be
seared into the notches of my spine.
The sun inside of him
could set the kingdom ablaze;
he knows this, he does.

And he still asks me to love him,
to face the flame.

Find me in the ashes.

Emily Palermo, Apollo

Yeah, finalul e destul de dureros sau cand vorbesti de o asemenea dragoste, e previzibil. Nu stiu de ce ma atrage, probabil necunoscutul face asta din noi, anyway. Next.

I like the way you taste
in the morning,
after you've slipped off
to the bathroom
and brushed your teeth.
i like my nose, cold
against your neck,
the way you shiver
in my arms and roll me
onto my back.
i like us like this, here:
the bedside table
stacked high with priorities
to worry about later
when the world encompasses
more than the space between
the bed sheets and the comforter,
when your kisses
taste more like coffee
than crest toothpaste,
and when you've promised
to love me again
like this, tomorrow.

8 A.M. - S.M.

Nu e intentia mea, nu toate cele ce imi prind interesul vorbesc despre dragoste dar cele ce o fac si modul in care o fac sunt superbe, fiecare in felul lor. Fie ca dragostea e vazuta ca si o egalitate intre parteneri, fie ca unul e mai presus in ochii celuilalt, sunt superbe.

Before I am your daughter,
your sister,
your aunt, niece, or cousin,
I am my own person,
and I will not set fire to myself
to keep you warm.

Nu stiu autorul dar cred ca metafora aceasta descrie o viata intreaga si pune punctul pe i. Love it.

Why would I have wanted my name
written in the pages of history,
when it was already carved into
you heart?
A C H I L L E S, it reads. And beside it, P A T R O C L U S.

Iubire interzisa. Nu stiu de unde a aparut strofa asta, dar o ador. Mitologia si presupunerile merg impreuna intr-un mod superb.
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

Versuri care imi plac mie:

"Si pe toti ce-n asta lume sunt supusi puterii sortii
De-o potriva-i stapaneste raza ta si geniul mortii" - (Mihai Eminescu - Scrisoarea I)

Si poezia Glossa tot a lui Eminescu in intregime.
[Imagine: F3GHuiy.png]
You Know Nothing
I'm such a LESBIAN! LOL
#seeuspacecowboys #seeuspacecowgirls #2071

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