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AMV contest- mai-inscrieri

eu a-si vrea sa particip cu acest video amv-ul are video luat din gundam
Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns first in the line of fire, first into hostile land
[Imagine: Untitled-1-2.png]

Vă anunţ că mâine n-o să pot intra, aşa că threadul de vot îl voi deschide acum.
Vă mai puteţi înscrie până la ora 23:59.
Succes participanţilor!

#13 dap e muzia ciudata...maybe

e ce is numai 3 participanti suntem mai multi cred
Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns first in the line of fire, first into hostile land
[Imagine: Untitled-1-2.png]

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